Monday, December 22, 2008

More Memories

Again such good friends. . .They have been buddies for a long time. . .Where the heck does time go. My baby is a senior this year and I am having the hardest and I mean HARDEST time with this. I blinked and miss where the time went. I sure do love TJ, he has the most cutest smile, he is such a hard worker and loves to do his best in whatever he puts his mind to. Not only that he is such a Cutie!!!!!I love you son more then words could ever say....I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments . . .YOU ROCK!!!!


JC and Jen Young said...

I love the way you have done the flash fowrad pictures, Your boys really are cuties! JC thinks they are wonderful.

JC and Jen Young said...

I mean forward

Honey Girl said...

I think that is such a great idea having them pose the same again...really cool. I like the one of the three boys you have earlier too. I'm going to have to try this out sometime.